Dallas Jet International (DJI) is considered a “stocking dealer.” This means that we are able to purchase and take possession of aircraft, and hold them in inventory. Aircraft renovation projects are ideally suited to this business model.
This gives us the opportunity to assist customers whose aircraft need some work to make them more attractive in the current market. Also, some financial institutions and other aircraft owners may have accounting rules that keep separate funds for operations costs and upgrade costs.
DJI does not have these restrictions. We can do an overall financial analysis and market analysis, determine our opportunity cost, and purchase the aircraft with the intention of remodeling it and subsequently sell it.
This creates a win/win scenario. Our client is able to have immediate use of funds from the sale without spending cash from other funds, or taking additional risk of managing a project that’s simply not in their realm of expertise.
Experienced aviation professionals are well aware that an error in calculation or a mistake during the renovation process can be an expensive proposition; and are very insistent that only experienced experts are involved in financing aviation renovation projects.
The client who eventually purchases this aircraft will enjoy a lower cost because of DJI’s efficient management of the process, along with peace of mind knowing that the renovation was overseen by experts with end-to-end knowledge of each step in the process.
As an example, this Gulfstream GIV SP needed work to make it airworthy, and needed interior and paint work to make it more marketable. DJI purchased the aircraft outright from the financial institution.
- Dallas Jet International (DJI) purchased, managed the remodel, and listed this GIV SP for sale.
DJI completed the financial analysis and prebuy inspections. We closed on the purchase, and took the airplane to a maintenance facility.
We had the engines removed, crated, shipped, overhauled, reshipped and reinstalled.
Meanwhile, the interior, paint, and other maintenance was being completed.
Of course, the sooner we are able to get the aircraft ready for a new client, the better from a financial perspective; and we can pass those savings on to the new client who purchases the aircraft from us.
Here is the completed GIV SP with new paint, updated interior, electronics and appliances.
- GIVSP Renovated by Dallas Jet International
If you are considering selling an aircraft and wonder if an aircraft renovation would improve its market positioning, give us a call at 817-520-4009 and let’s talk about the options!