NARA (National Aircraft Resale Association)
Introduces Newly Elected Officers to Serve in 2013
The National Aircraft Resale Association (NARA) is pleased to introduce its new officers, who will serve terms in 2013. Officers were elected at the association’s annual membership meeting held in Orlando in October.
Outgoing NARA Chairman Paul Kirby, Managing Partner of Cerretani Aviation, LLC, says, “Integrity, knowledge and responsiveness are keys to surviving in a tough market. As an association, NARA’s members have banded together over the last several years and worked very hard to provide clients with the best possible solutions to their aircraft ownership needs. It has been a pleasure to serve the NARA membership as Chairman for the past year.”
“Over this time,” Kirby continues, “we have added a dozen new members, improved the content and networking opportunities at our spring and fall meetings, started an educational blog series at our website (www.nara-dealers.com/blog_nara) and expanded our Code of Ethics to better recognize the importance and value of NARA’s Associate Members. I am pleased that NARA continues to provide members with excellent networking opportunities, access to an immense collective knowledge and distinguishing ethical standards. NARA is well-positioned to continue to build on its success in 2013.”
Members elected to serve on NARA’s 2013 Board of Directors are:
Chairman: Brad Harris, Dallas Jet International, LP
Treasurer: Nick Schneider, Global Wings, LLC
Secretary: Jay Gantt, Gantt Aviation
Board Members: Ben Murray, General Aviation Services
Paul Kirby, Cerretani Aviation, LLC
Members were also elected to serve on the organization’s Associate Member Advisory Council. Associate Members elected to serve for 2013 are:
Chairman: Louis Seno, Jet Support Services, Inc. (JSSI)
1st Vice Chairman: Tracey L. Cheek, Aircraft Title Insurance Agency
2nd Vice Chairman: Anthony Kioussis, Asset Insight, Inc.
Secretary: Wayne Starling, PNC Aviation Finance
“I am looking forward to representing NARA as Chairman next year,” says Brad Harris, President and CEO of Dallas Jet International, LP. “With 78 member companies, all of whom are the best in their fields and are committed to NARA’s high ethical standards, NARA has the foremost collection of aircraft transaction and operation expertise in the industry. I am excited about continuing to make NARA membership more valuable for our members and our respective clients in the coming year.”
NARA is a professional trade association of businesses organized to promote the growth and public understanding of the aircraft resale industry. Its members abide by a 14-point Code of Ethics that provide standards of business conduct regarding aircraft transactions. For more information about NARA, its members and its code of ethics, visit the NARA website at www.nara-dealers.com or call Devri Pitts, Independent Association Director, at 866-284-4744.
P.O. Box 3860, Grapevine, TX 76099 ▪ Phone 866-284-4744 ▪ Fax 866-447-1777
www.nara-dealers.com nara@nara-dealers.com